Play Poker 6+

Poker 6+ (also known as short-deck hold’em) is a card game similar to Texas Hold’em, where twos, threes, fours, and fives are removed from the deck. The game is played between two sides – the Player and the Dealer, where each side forms the best five-card poker hand from any combination of seven cards (five community cards and two hole cards).

The total number of cards in the deck is 36. This changes the probability of hand combinations and alters their ranking!

A flush ranks higher than a full house, and a set ranks higher than a straight. Aces are the highest cards, but like in Texas Hold’em, they can be both low and high cards in a straight. For example, the lowest straight would be (A 6 7 8 9), and the highest (10 J Q K A).

How to Place a Bet in Poker 6+

  • Connect to your account;
  • If necessary, top up your gaming account;
  • Select a betting option;
  • Enter your bet amount in the “Amount” field in the Coupon;
  • Click the “Place Bet” button.
  • Once the bet is placed, a message “Bet accepted” will appear.

How to Check Draw Results and Bet History

Each draw has a unique number, and its results can be found on the “Results” page.

You can check your bet history on the “Bet History” page.

Rules of the Game in Poker 6+

Terms and Definitions:
1.1. Deal (Draw) – one round of card dealing, which begins with the first round of betting and ends when the dealer declares the outcome of the deal and collects all used cards on the table.
1.2. Player’s hand – one of the 2 participants in the game, as indicated in the picture, to which the dealer deals 2 cards face up by value (pictures/digits).
1.3. Dealer’s hand – one of the 2 participants in the game, as indicated in the picture, to which the dealer deals 2 cards face down by value (pictures/digits). The dealer reveals this player’s cards after the last round of betting.
1.4. Split (Draw) – an outcome of the deal if both hands have the same value combination. In this case, winnings are paid to all players who bet on the split.
1.5. Betting option – a possible interpretation of the deal results (draw), expressed in coefficients that can change during the deal depending on the change in the mathematical probability of the outcome.
1.6. Betting round – a time period when participants place bets. A new betting round begins before dealing player and dealer hands, after dealing player and dealer hands, after the flop, after the turn, and after the river.
1.7. Betting options – a list of all possible bets.
1.8. Community cards (Board) – 5 (five) common cards used by each hand to form the best combination.
1.9. Combination (hand classification) – a combination of five cards made up of two hole cards and five community cards. The ranking of hands from lowest to highest is described in section 2.4.
1.10. Flop – the first 3 (three) community cards dealt after both hands have received their cards and the second round of betting has concluded.
1.11. Turn – the fourth community card dealt after the third round of betting.
1.12. River – the fifth community card dealt after the fourth round of betting.
1.13. Kicker – a set of cards (Community and on the hands) that do not participate in determining the hand’s value by itself but can be used to establish the seniority of hands of equal value. For example, an Ace beats a King.
1.14. Cutting card – a special card used to cover the bottom card.

2.1. Each hand receives two (2) cards. The player receives face-up cards, and the dealer receives face-down cards. Community cards are dealt face-up. When all cards are on the table, the dealer’s cards are revealed. Results are determined using a video stream and scanner data, which records each open card placed on the table.
2.2. The aim of the game is to form the highest possible five-card combination using the available hand (two open cards) and five community cards. The hand with the highest combination wins.
2.3. A Draw (Split) is possible in the game if both hands have combinations of equal value. In this case, winnings are paid to all players who bet on the split.
2.4. Possible combinations in poker (from lowest to highest):
2.4.1. High card. Any hand that does not form any of the combinations listed below. The hand with the highest card wins.

2.4.2. One pair. Any 2 (two) cards of the same value (two Aces, two Kings, etc.). If both hands form a pair, the hand with the highest pair wins. If both hands form a pair of the same value, the hand with the highest kicker wins.

2.4.3. Two pairs. Any 2 (two) cards of the same value together with two other cards of the same value. If the combination with two pairs is present in both hands, the hand with the highest pairs wins. If both hands form pairs of the same value, the hand with the highest kicker wins.

2.4.4. Straight. Any 5 (five) consecutive cards. An Ace can be considered either the lowest (A-6-7-8-9) or highest (10-J-Q-K-A) card. If both hands have a “straight,” the hand with the highest combination wins.

2.4.5. Set. Any 3 (three) cards of the same value. If both hands have 3 (three) identical cards, the hand with the highest-value cards wins. If both hands have 3 (three) equivalent identical cards, the hand with the fourth and/or fifth card higher in value wins.

2.4.6. Full house. Any 3 (three) cards of the same value together with two other cards of the same value. If both hands have a “full house,” the hand with the highest combination of three identical cards wins. If both hands have three identical cards that are equivalent, the hand with the highest pair wins.

2.4.7. Flush. Any 5 (five) cards of the same suit. If both hands have a flush, the hand with the highest “pocket card(s)” that are used to form the combination with the highest value wins.

2.4.8. Four of a kind. Any 4 (four) cards of the same value. If both hands have 4 (four) identical cards, the hand with the highest-value cards wins. If both hands have four identical cards of the same value, the hand with the highest kicker wins.

2.4.9. Straight flush. Any row of 5 (five) cards of the same suit. If both hands have a “straight flush,” the hand with the highest combination wins.

2.4.10. Royal flush. Any row of 5 (five) cards of the same suit from ten to ace. This combination is the strongest hand in poker.

Game Process:
3.1. First Betting Round. The first betting round begins before the cards are dealt. Participants can place bets on one or more possible outcomes.
3.2. Second Betting Round. Cards are dealt after the first betting round, and updated odds are displayed on the screen. The second betting round begins. Bets made in the first round do not influence bets in subsequent rounds.
3.3. Third Betting Round. The dealer deals the flop (the first three (3) community cards) openly after the second betting round, and the odds are updated. The third betting round begins, and players can place bets on selected outcomes.
3.4. Fourth Betting Round. The dealer deals the turn (the fourth community card) openly, the odds are updated, and the fourth betting round begins.
3.5. Fifth Betting Round. The dealer deals the river (the fifth community card) openly, the odds are updated, and the fifth betting round begins.
3.5.1. Sometimes, after dealing the flop, turn, or river, some betting options lose all chances of winning. Such outcomes are marked on the screen where the odds are displayed.
3.5.2. If a hand after the flop, turn, or river has the highest possible combination in that deal, such outcomes are marked as “Won,” which appears on the screen instead of odds.
3.5.3. Bets on already won or lost outcomes are not accepted, while bets on other outcomes can be placed by participants without any restrictions.
3.6. End of Draw. After the fifth betting round, the game leader reveals both of the dealer’s closed cards, the deal ends, and winnings are determined and paid out.
3.7. Card Shuffling:
3.7.1. Two decks are used in the game – one is used for dealing cards during the draw, the other is not used in the draw as it is shuffled at this time.
3.7.2. At the end of the draw, the dealer collects the deck of used cards, which will be shuffled during the next deal.
3.7.3. The deck that was shuffled in the previous draw will be used for the next deal.

Betting Limits:
4.1. Maximum and minimum betting limits are set by the gambling company.

Special Cases:
5.1. Cancelled Draws. Game draws can be cancelled for the following reasons:
5.1.1. The scanner cannot scan the card or its readings do not match the card on the table;
5.1.2. The card or cards are in the wrong place or are shuffled;
5.1.3. A technical problem occurs in the studio (connection disruption, technical failure, dealer error). The following dealer errors may lead to draw cancellation: The sequence of dealing is violated (see 3.1); A mark appears on the card or cards, or the cards are damaged; Cards fall off the table or are not visible on the screen due to dealer error; Cards in the deck end up face up, and the image/number becomes visible due to improper shuffling; The dealer forgets to use the cut card; The dealer scans the card or cards incorrectly, and therefore, the scanner readings do not match the card or cards on the table.
5.1.4. In case of draw cancellation, all bets are annulled and returned to participants (the coefficient is set to one (1.00)).
5.2. “Burning” a Card. During the game, a card may be “burned” if:
5.2.1. The dealer takes a card from the shoe and shows it face up before the end of the betting round.
5.3. Card “Burning” Procedure:
5.3.1. The dealer shows the card to participants face up.
5.3.2. The dealer announces that this card will be “burned.”
5.3.3. The dealer places the “burned” card to their right, at the edge of the table (on the screen – to the left).
5.3.4. The dealer takes a new card from the shoe to replace the “burned” one and continues the game.

Game Organization Procedure:
6.1. Games take place 24/7 with technical breaks on request. Everything else, including dealer and card changes, is shown to everyone in real-time.

Equipment Used in the Game:
7.1. A shortened deck of 36 (thirty-six) cards (cards from 6 to Ace). Each card contains a unique barcode that is scanned by the integrated scanner in the table during card dealing.
7.2. Cut card, which is used to cover the bottom card in the deck. (see 1.15).
7.3. A table with printed cells for dealer cards, player cards, and community cards (Board).
7.4. An integrated table scanner used to scan card barcodes.
7.5. An integrated card shuffler machine used to shuffle the deck of cards.
7.6. A box with shuffled cards from which the dealer deals cards.

Additional Information:
8.1. These rules and conditions are published in various languages for informational purposes and to facilitate access for players. Only the English version has legal force in the relationship between the player and the operator. In case of discrepancies between the English version and the version in another language, the English version prevails.
8.2. All player inquiries regarding the draw result or other technical issues must be addressed to the Game Operator no later than 30 (thirty) days after the draw.